Countdown to Halloween, Unsung Heroes of Horror Day 18: Julius in Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)

Horror’s great rumble in the soundstage jungle; Heavyweight Jason Voorhees vs Bantamweight Julius Gaw. In a film low on great scenes until the last 20 minutes or so, Julius (aka actor Vincent Craig Dupree of pretty much nothing else fame) really picks the movie up by its balls when he admirably decides to take on Jason in a one-on-one rooftop duel of fisticuffs, Queensbury rules style. Except Jason isn’t one to abide by gentlemanly sporting conduct. Rather he waits patiently for poor Julius to get all his shots in until he can barley stand, before laying one heavy soup-bowl across the plucky challengers nonce, suitably taking his head clean of his shoulders. The IBF may not recognise decapitation as a legal maneuver, but Jason Voorhees has his own rule book all up in this beatch.

NOTE: He actually punches Jason Voorhees 56 times by my count. That’s bloody astonishing!

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One thought on “Countdown to Halloween, Unsung Heroes of Horror Day 18: Julius in Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)

  1. Phil Fasso says:

    How shocking that one of the worst FRIDAY THE 13TH films provides one of the series’ greatest moments. I saw this film in the theatre, and was bored out of my mind until Julius had the raw cojones to take a swat at Jason. Cinematic gold.

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